پایش و مدل سازی کاربری زمین و مطالعات تغییرات پوشش زمین
نقشه برداری هوابرد، زمینی و موبایل
سیستم های UAV در کاربرد ژئوماتیک
مدل سازی داده، بصری سازی و augmented reality
GIS (دینامیک، پردازش هندسی، طراحی هندسی و geocollaboration)
سرویس های مکان مبنا (LBS)
برداشت لیزری برای نقشه برداری 3 بعدی و تهیه نقشه
تحلیل تصاویر فراطیفی
سیستم SAR با توان تفکیک بالا
پایش تغییر شکل بر اساس داده SAR
کالیبراسیون و تلفیق سیستم و سنجنده
سنجنده ها و روش های تهیه DEM
تحلیل تصاویر هوایی و ماهواره ای برای تهیه داده مکانی
بروزرسانی و بهبود پایگاه داده های مکانی با استفاده از GIS
تهیه سریع نقشه برای کاربردهای محیطی و مدیریت بحران
کاربرد های GIS و سنجش از دور
کاربرد تکنیک های سنجش از دور در علوم زمین
استخراج عوارض و بازیابی اطلاعات از تصاویر ماهواره ای اپتیکی و راداری
تحلیل تصاویر چندزمانی
نقشه برداری الگوهای مسکونی برای پایش شهرسازی
سنجش از دور و GIS برای مدیریت های اورژانسی
اطلاعات هندسی برای هشدار در بحران های طبیعی
محیط و هیدروژئودزی
هواشناسی GPS
سنجنده های ژئودتیک و اندازه گیری 3 بعدی
سخنرانان اصلی :
"Automatic image analysis for topographic mapping - vision and reality"
Prof. Dr. Christian Heipke
Secretary General of ISPRS
Christian Heipke studied Geodetic Sciences and Surveying at the universities of Hannover, Sydney, and Munich. He graduated from the Technical University Munich in 1986 and subsequently joined the Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft (IABG), Ottobrunn as a Research Scientist. In 1990 he became Research Fellow at the Chair for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Technical University Munich. In the same year he received a Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) and in 1994 the venia legendi (Dr.-Ing. habil.), both from TU Munich.
He has been a visiting professor of photogrammetry at The Ohio State University and Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Dr. Heipke was appointed Head of the Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation, and also Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science.Leibniz Universität Hannover. He has chaired ISPRS working groups for 16 years. He was also vice-president of EuroSDR (European Spatial Data Research, formerly known as OEEPE) from 2004-2009, in which he was responsible for research. He currently serves as chair of the German Geodetic Commission (DGK) and as ISPRS Secretary General. Furthermore, he is a member of the German Society for Geodesy, Geoinformation and Land Management (DVW), the German Society for Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF), the German Society for Pattern Recognition (DAGM), the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
"Spaceborne SAR geodesy: opportunity and challenges"
Prof. Dr. Ramon Hanssen
Head of Department of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Ramon Hanssen is Antoni van Leeuwenhoek professor in Earth Observation. He studied aerospace engineering and geodetic engineering at Delft University of Technology (M.Sc. 1993). In 1994, he worked as a research scientist on potential field data inversion at the International Institute for Aerospace Surveys and Earth Sciences (ITC). He then started his PhD research at the Delft Institute for Earth-Oriented Space research (DEOS) of Delft University of Technology on the geodetic analysis of repeat-pass spaceborne radar interferometry, with emphasis on error propagation. During this research, he worked as a visiting scholar at Stuttgart University (1996), at the German Aerospace Center (DLR, 1997) and at Stanford University (1997-1998) on a Fulbright research fellowship. In 2001 he received the PhD degree (cum laude) of TU Delft.
At present, he is working in the field of geodesy, radar remote sensing and geostatistics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences at TU Delft. His current research interests are the geodetic analysis of imaging remote sensing data, error propagation and quality control, geophysical and geotechnical applications, and the mathematical modeling and physical interpretation of deformation processes. He serves as an expert in various ESA panels for new satellite developments.
In 2001, he published a text book on Satellite Radar Interferometry, which is well recognized in the scientific community. He received a Fulbright Fellowship in 1997, the Innovational Research Award (Vernieuwingsimpuls) from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Bomford Prize of the International Association of Geodesy in 2003. In 2007 he was a visiting scholar at the Nordic Volcanological Institute of the University of Iceland. In 2008 he was awarded the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek chair of Delft University of Technology. In 2007 and 2008 he received the SBIR award from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs for founding a TU Delft spin-off company for radar remote sensing and monitoring of water defense works and civil infrastructure, Hansje Brinker. Since 2012 he is visiting professor at Wuhan University, China.
Hanssen is currently chairing the Department of Geocience and Remote Sensing and leading a research group on radar interferometry.
"Real Time Airborne Monitoring System for Rapid Mapping and Traffic Applications"
Prof. Dr. Peter Reinartz
Head of Department of Photogrammetry and Image Analysis, Applied Remote Sensing at German Aerospace Center (DLR)
He is department head of the department “Photogrammetry and Image Analysis”, at the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) and holds a professorship for geoinformatics at the University of Osnabrück. He has more then 25 years of experience in image processing and remote sensing and over 200 publications in these fields. His main interests are in direct georeferencing, stereo-photogrammetry and data fusion of space borne and airborne data, generation of digital elevation models and interpretation of VHR data from sensors like WorldView, GeoEye, Pleidaes a.o. He is also engaged in using remote sensing data for disaster management and using high frequency time series of airborne image data for real time image processing and their operational use in case of disasters as well as for traffic monitoring.
"EnMAP - A Trendsetting Technology for the Analysis of Environmental Parameters"
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kaufmann
Head of Remote Sensing Section, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
Prof. Dr. Hermann Kaufmann is head of the Remote Sensing section of the German GeoResearchCentre in Potsdam and holds a chair at the University of Potsdam. He obtained his diploma and doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-University in geology and remote sensing. In 1992 he gained his inauguration (Dr. Ing. habil) in the field of remote sensing at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Karlsruhe.
Prof. H. Kaufmann was project scientist with the Working-Group for Geoscientific Remote Sensing (AGF) at the L.-M. University in Munich (1980-1985) and senior scientist at the Institute of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, University of Karlsruhe (1985-1990) in the frame of the special research project 108 "stress and strain in lithosphere". In his 20 years of experience he was principal investigator of a large number of national and international projects funded by various governmental and industrial institutions such as BMWi, BMBF, HGF, DFG, EADS, IABG, ESA, EU, GIF, NASDA. Presently, he is the leading scientist of EnMAP, a national program for the development of a hyperspectral satellite system for environmental issues to be launched in 2017. His main research focus is the processing and information extraction from hyperspectral lab- field- and airborne data and the processing and evaluation of InSAR data in the context of natural hazards.
"Spectral Sensing – from proof of concept to applications"
Andreas Müller
Head of Department “Land Surface Applications” at the DLR, German Remote Sensing Data Center
Andreas Müller obtained his Diploma at the Working-Group for Geo-Scientific Remote Sensing at the Munich University in geology and remote sensing in May 1990. Andreas Müller has more than 20 years of experience in the processing and evaluation of airborne and spaceborne imaging spectrometer and multispectral scanner data (GERIS, DAIS 7915, HyMap, Hyperion, CHRIS/PROBA), atmospheric / geometric correction, and digital filtering. He was leading several spectral ground validation campaigns in Germany, several other European countries, and India with different ground spectro-radiometers. From Sept. 1996 Müller was head of the working group 'Spectroscopy and Modelling' and the project group ‘Imaging Spectroscopy’ at the DLR, Institute of Optoelectronics, until September 2009 he held the same position at the German Remote Sensing Data Center being responsible for the co-ordination of imaging spectroscopy activities for land applications at DLR.
He currently is Co-Investigator a member of the EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Program) Core Science Team and the EnMAP Science Advisory Board. Since 1996 he serves as the chairman of the Special Interest Group 'Imaging Spectroscopy' at the European Assiciation of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL). Currently Andreas Müller coordinates the land surface remote sensing activities at DFD with specific focus on multi-sensor information extraction in support of applications in the fields of land surface processes and interactions, management of natural resources and urban development.
"Space and Ground Based Radar Interferometry for Engineering Applications"
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Niemeier
Professor for Geodesy and Managing Director of Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie, TU Braunschweig
Short CV:
since 09.1995: Professor for Geodesy and Managing Director of Institut für Geodäsie und Photogrammetrie, TU Braunschweig
03.1991 - 08.1995: Professor for Geodesy at Institut für Vermessungskunde, Technische Universität Braunschweig
01.1989 - 12.1990: Longterm Lecturer of the German Academic Exchange Programme (DAAD) at Universidad Nacional in Costa Rica
09.1987 - 02.1991: Professor at Geodetic Institut, Universität Hannover
10.1981 – 08.1987: Research Associate (Hochschulassistent C1) in Faculty of Civil- and Surveying Engineering, Universität Hannover
10.1974 – 09.1981: Regular Scientific Assistent at Geodetic Institut, University Hannover
05.1972 – 09.1974: Research Assistent in a DFG research project at Geodetic Institut, Universität Hannover
"Towards Mobile Multi-sensor Platforms Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles"
Prof. Dr. Farhad Samadzadegan
Head of Sensors and Platforms in Geomatics Research Center, University of Tehran
Farhad Samadzadegan received his Bsc. in 1990 from University of Tehran at Geomatics engineering. Then he received his Msc. from KNT University in 1993 at photogrammetry. He then started his PhD. Research at 1997 in automatic 3D building recognition and reconstruction based on artificial intelligence techniques and got his PhD. in 2001.
He has been the head of Geomatics department at University of Tehran for four years from 2008 till 2012 and the head of “Sensors and Platforms in Geomatics Research Center” of Tehran University. Now He is working in Geomatics department at University of Tehran as a full professor in fields of UAV and Geosensors and platforms, computer vision, and soft computation in Geomatics Engineering.
He has more than 15 years of experience in the designing and developing digital photogrammetric and remote sensing software and systems. He had published a text book on Swarm Intelligence in Geomatics engineering in 2011 and another one on data fusion in remote sensing in 2012. He also published over 30 journal papers in international journals and more than 60 papers in international conferences in recent years.
“An Evaluation in Thermal Sensing: Can Heat Be an Indicator for Intelligence of the Universe?”
Prof. Dr. Seyed Kazem Alavipanah
Head of Remote Sensing and GIS Department, University of Tehran
Seyed Kazem Alavipanah received his Master of Science in both remote sensing and GIS and soil salinity in 1995 form University of Gent, Belgium and University of Tarbiat Modarres, Iran. He received his PhD in soil science (Remote Sensing and GIS) in University of Gent, Belgium, in 1997.
Prof. Dr. Alavipanah is now the head of department of Remote Sensing and GIS in University of Tehran. He has received about 10 awards and honors and issued 10 books mainly on RS and GIS, on art and humanities, and also published about 250 articles and conducted more than 20 projects. He is member of International Desertnet. He has membership in EARSeL, the committee of planning for natural resources of Iran, in high council for natural disasters of Iran, in national institute of Iranian elites and editorial board in many journals.
Prof. Dr, Alavipanah now as his main expertise is interested in thermal remote sensing with first book published in this field. He has a good understanding and experience in interdisciplinary studies as well as a suitable knowledge about humanities and physical sciences. He has conducted many projects and efforts in environmental change studies and sustainable development planning.
وبلاگت خبرنامه نداره از آپ شدنش خبردار بشم؟
لطفا وبلاگت رو توی دایرکتوری وبلاگم لینک کن تا هر روز بهت سر بزنم. ممنون
چون قالب وبلاگ رو عوض کردم هنوز از امکانات این قالب اطلاعات کاملی ندارم...چک میکنم خبر میدم.